Chimako’s Keynote Speech

About the video:

In her opening speech at the 9th Annual Marshallese Education Day, Chimako Anitok tells us that “Racism is everywhere around world and it still happens today.” Chimako can speak firsthand about the discrimination that many Micronesians face. But rather than reject her immigrant roots, she encourages the youth to “Be proud of who you are. Be proud to say you are Marshallese.”

Lesson Plans by Local Educators

Lola Quan Bautista, Associate Professor at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Lola Quan Bautista, Associate Professor at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Micronesians in Higher Education

Subject: Education | Grade: High School, College

This lesson plan provides links to resources centered on recent statistics for Micronesians in higher education. Students will be asked to examine data, tables, and figures that highlight access to higher education, the college experience, and students’ persistence toward degree attainment.


Learning about Skirts from Micronesia: A Lesson with Aunty Yoana


Atan Bithen del Carmen